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5 Things Home Buyers Do That Drive Real Estate Agents Crazy

5 Things Home Buyers Do That Drive Real Estate Agents Crazy

Buying a house can become a very frustrating experience, especially if you have been looking for a very long time.

Surely, you should have found that special place you have been yearning for by now?

On the plus side, you get to spend quality time with your real estate agentLots of quality time. Time that they might end up regretting for the remainder of your search.

Unfortunately, there are many things that home buyers do that can also frustrate the real estate agent. If you are guilty of the following it might take even longer to find your dream home.

1 - Home buyers think that it's all about money

Money is important, that is something you need to remember, but it is not the only thing that you should be worrying about.

Whilst money obviously forms a big part of your offer, it is not necessarily the highest offer but the quality of the offer itself that will impress the seller.

Your agent knows a good offer is the perfect mix of timing, the right price, and maybe some reasonable adjustments. If you decide on a price but you refuse to accept a few minor adjustments you could end up frustrating your agent and the seller more than just a bit.

2 - Home buyers worry about aesthetics

It is important to worry about the beauty of a house, but what your real estate agent really wishes that you would realize is beauty is only skin deep.

Many buyers get so caught up in what a house looks like in that current moment that they completely forget about other amazing features.

Specifically, if there are minor repairs needed, buyers tend to run and forget that it is totally fixable. You might not even end up paying for it because it is very easy to negotiate these aspects when you make an offer.

3 - Home buyers wait too long

If you have found a house that you really like and you want to buy it, then do it.

Many buyers take way too long to make an offer in a competitive market and this really drives a real estate agent crazy.

If too much time passes between a buyer viewing a home and making an actual offer, the seller might think that the buyer is not interested and turn to another party that also expressed interest. This sets you back and it wastes everyone's time.

4 - Home buyers tip their hand

You have become very comfortable with your agent and the house-hunting process, so it is natural that you might get a bit loose-lipped from time to time.

You might want to think twice before asking why there is a shag carpet in the bathroom during the next show house.

There have been many times where the seller has heard negative comments and this can really hurt the sale of the house. Even if they are not at home, you might get caught on camera more often than not, so it is best to save the jokes for when you are in the car.

5 - Home buyers ignore what the seller wants

When you are busy looking for a house, it is difficult to not see the house as a product.

What you need to remember, however, is that you are buying a house from a person who has to accept you as the buyer.

Sellers can be motivated for different reasons. Some do it purely for the money and others do it because they want to see their house go into loving hands. If there's an agent who represents you in the purchase of a property, he will share any available information with you that he's got concerning the seller's motivation. It would be unwise to ignore it.

13 Aug 2020
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