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9 Things to Look For When Buying a Home

9 Things to Look For When Buying a Home

Think of buying a house as a first date: you feel that sudden rush of excitement and nervousness, the butterflies are dancing in our stomach, there is a twinkle in your eye, and everything about the house is absolutely perfect when you see it for the first time!

Only later, when you've moved in, you will realize that not everything was as wonderful as you thought. This is where you start having problems.

Smart buyers will know what to look out for when viewing a home and which red flags to avoid. Here are some helpful tips to guide you:

1 - Too much scent

The freshly-baked cookies or the potpourri might be there to fool you, so don't let it.

The more aggressive the scent is, the likelier it is that it is masking an unpleasant smell.

Take a whiff in the corners of every room and try to identify it.

2 - Poor tiling

Inspect the tiles in the bathroom and the kitchen.

If they are uneven, it means that it was a DIY job. You might want to think twice if this is the case.

It could end up costing you a lot should you need to replace it.

3 - Foundation issues

Most homes do have hairline cracks, but if they are bigger then there is a foundational issue.

Look for any cracks near the windows and doors.

Also, check if the floor is even by rolling a marble from one side to the other.

4 - Signs of deferred maintenance

Look for signs of neglect as you walk through the house. These can include burned-out lightbulbs, long grass, or faded paint.

An attentive homeowner will ensure that these small things are sorted out, so that the house is well-presented as well-maintained.

5 - Wonky windows

Pull back the curtains to see if the window frames are skew or wonky. Give the windows a tug to ensure that they are secure.

If they stick, it might be foundational issues or poor installment.

The only solution for this is an expensive one: new windows.

6 - Mold

A total deal breaker. Discreetly open cabinets in the bathroom in order to detect signs of mold.

Even the smallest black or grey spots can indicate a bigger, more serious problem.

Also, be sure to check the tubs and the ceilings for any signs of discoloration.

7 - Water damage

musty odor can indicate water damage, even if you don't see standing water.

Check the walls and ceilings for water lines. They are likely to indicate damage from burst pipes or flooding.

Take a look at the exposed pipes as well and check for rust, leaking or any type of water stains.

8 - Cosmetic enhancements

That freshly-painted wall might be an accent wall, but you are encouraged to question everything.

It could very well be covering up some mold.

Lift the rugs to check the quality of the flooring and ensure that they are not stained by pets.

9 - Improper ventilation

Inadequate ventilation is a breeding tool for mold because moisture sticks around in the house. This is certainly not a good sign if someone in your family has allergies.

Look for condensed windows or slightly bubbled or peeling paint along the walls, doors or vents. This is a sign of internal moisture within the walls.

Don't walk through the house as if it is a museum. You are going to live there if you decide to buy it so there is nothing wrong in ensuring that you are getting what you pay for.

Be attentive to these red flags before you fall prey to them.

09 Oct 2019
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